Supervised Independent Studio - Fall '23
Professor: Robert Spahr, MFA
Office: MCMA 1056B
Office Hours:
R 01:00pm-04:00pm
F 01:00pm-04:00pm
& by appointment
Day / Time: T R 12:35pm - 01:50pm
Location: COMM 0012 & Grad Student Studios
Course Syllabus Location:
Course Listings:
Supervised Independent Studio - 65606 - MCMA 584 - 001
Supervised Independent Studio provides a critical foundation for MFA students by establishing a formal structure for studio visits and critiques that takes place multiple times over the course of a semester. These critiques will help students develop a deeper understanding of their work as well as provide an opportunity to develop their skills in analysis and interpretation of their artistic practice.
- Increase knowledge relevant in the analysis of media arts
- Students will learn to speak and write critically about their own artistic practice.
- Develop an awareness and appreciation of the variety of approaches within the media arts.
Be sure to check back often for any updated information.
Aug 22
Introductions, Critique, and Artistic Practices
We will schedule multiple individual critiques during the semester.
Final Group Critique
Final Artist statement is due.
Dec 11-15
Finals Week
Meeting time to be determined by university finals schedule.
Individual Meetings / Studio Visits / Critique:
Students and instructor will schedule multiple individual studio visits and critiques of completed works and works-in-progress.
Artist Statement: Over the course of the semester, students will develop and iterate a written artist statement. A final version of the statement will be due at the final critique of the semester.
Attendance to all scheduled critiques is expected. There are no acceptable number of absences. More than one unexcused absence may result in failure for the class. Two lates are the equivalent of one absence. Leaving a class early is considered equivalent to arriving late.
Your final grade will be determined by the following:
- 90% Participation / Studio Visits / Critique
- 10% Artist Statement