Home / Teaching / Drawing, Mindfulness & the Creative Process

Information and Syllabus

Drawing, Mindfulness & the Creative Process -
CP 470D

Professor: Robert Spahr
Contact: rspahr@siu.edu
Office: Northwest Annex, B213
T   09:00am-01:00pm
W  12:00pm-02:00pm
& by appointment

Time & Location:
T @ 02:00pm-05:50pm - Comm 1116

Course Syllabus Location:  http://www.robertspahr.com/dmcp/

Course Information:
Interdisciplinary Topics: Drawing, Mindfulness & the Creative Process - 25961 - CP 470D - 201

Suggested Text:

Gunaratana, Bhante. Mindfulness in Plain English
Wisdom Publications; Anniversary edition (September 6, 2011)


Drawing is the act of making marks on a two-dimensional surface, and as a practice it can cultivate mindfulness.

Mindfulness refers to a psychological state of a moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without judgment.

Creative Process is the process of developing ideas of value that are original to oneself, our community or to all of humanity.

In this course we will use the principles of visual organization such as negative space, balance, harmony, proportion, and movement, among others to explore a state of mindful awareness while drawing. This is not about creating the 'perfect drawing', but instead becoming mindful of the experience and process of drawing. It is through this awareness that students will enhance their own creativity.

This course is open to artists and non-artists. We will learn about ourselves, our place in the world and our moment in time. We will explore the process of creativity, and dissolve the divide that often separates life from art. Each week will include a guided drawing session as well as philosophical discussion structured around one of the principles of visual organization.


  • Increase skills of observation and hand-eye coordination through exercises in contour drawing, value drawing, perspective, rendering, and composition.
  • Develop technical skills for creating and analyzing drawing using the principles of visual organization and the elements of art: line, value, shape/volume, texture and color.
  • Develop mindfulness and an awareness of the creative process as it applies to the visual arts and everyday life.


# Syllabus is subject to change with notice.

Mar 24

01. Creativity in the Age of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

02: Mindfulness

03. Principles of Visual Organization, Tea Drips, Still-Life Setup

04. Principles of Visual Organization Document
Principles of Visual Organization (PDF)

05. Drawing Demo #1

Register an account on the forums.
Need help creating an account on the forum?
Howto register an account on the forums (PDF document)

Complete the following 8 drawings and upload them to the course forum:
1 - Five (5) minute drawing exploring mark making & developing a vocabulary of marks
2 - Five (5) minute quick drawings
2 - Five (5) minute contour drawings
2 - Twenty (20) minute drawings
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing

Upload your 8 drawings and post your self-reflection and critique comments on the forums Week 03/24 forum.

Group Critique:
Post a response to each of your fellow students work. In your response, describe at least one of the drawings as if you were writing an email to someone who can not see the work themselves. Look for ways the artist is using line and shape. Do you see a variety of mark making? How are they creating space? Do you see explorations in balance or harmony? Spend time looking through the forums, and respond to at least 2 other threads of conversation.

Self-Reflection on Balance:
Post a response on the forum regarding your own work. How did you address balance, harmony and unity in your drawing? Did you make any significant discoveries as you created these drawings? If so, what were they? How do you achieve balance in your life? Do you think the coronavirus has increased or decreased balance, unity and harmony in the world and/or in your life? If so, how? Can you describe some of the ways you work to achieve unity in your life, work, and relationships with family and friends? Is harmony something you can work to achieve? If so, how? Is there postive aspects to part of life not being in harmony?
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 03/30

Create a self-portrait exploring balance, harmony and unity. You are encouraged to take what you learned this week, and apply it to your self-portrait.

Mar 31

Relaxation & Positive Space:

Ideally work outside if you can, drawing a landscape. If that is not possible, set up an organic still life of leaves, tree branches etc..

In all cases continue to focus on line, shape and positive/negative space. Think about your composition, and make sure your drawing touches all four sides of the paper. Use either charcoal or graphite, but use the entire paper. I also want you to think about what objects or shapes are in the foreground, middle ground and background.

Upload drawings, post your self-reflection & critique comments to the Week 03/31 forum.

Complete the following 8 drawings
2 - Five (5) minute quick drawings
2 - Five (5) minute contour drawings
2 - Twenty (20) minute drawings
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing
1 - Self-portrait #2 exploring positive and negative space

Self-Reflection on Positive & Negative Space:
Post a response to the following questions: Is it more difficult to create and keep positive space during the corona virus crisis? Can you describe some of the ways you work to achieve positive space now? Can you have positive space without negative space?
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 04/06

Individual Critique:
We will have individual critique either by telephone or zoom video conferencing based on weekly phone schedule.

Apr 07

Scale, Proportion, & Mindfulness:

Ideally work outside if you can, drawing a landscape. If that is not possible, set up an organic still life of leaves, tree branches etc.. Please do not draw from photographs

In all cases continue to focus on line, shape and now consider scale and proportion. Use either charcoal or graphite, but use the entire paper. I also want you to think about what objects or shapes are in the foreground, middle ground and background. Explore scale and proportion. How does changing the size of something in the background change the scale of an object in the foreground? In the required drawings this week, we will not always be trying to reproduce what we see in an exact way. I want you to begin thinking about the expressive nature of your mark making.

Complete the following 8 drawings
2 - Five (5) minute quick drawings trying to create a realistic depiction.
2 - Five (5) minute quick drawings thinking less about realistic depiction and more about expression through mark making.
2 - Twenty (20) minute drawings, 1 of a realistic depiction, 1 about expression through mark making.
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing trying to create a realistic depiction.
1 - Self-portrait #3 expressing some concept about yourself through the mark making.

Self-Reflection on Scale and Proportion:
Post a response to the following questions: Think about your life, and reflect on proportion and scale as to various parts of your life. For example, is the time you spend working on academics in relation to your time thinking about self isolation and surviving during a pandemic in proportion? Does the amount of time you spend thinking about the future or the past seem to be in proper scale with your time watching TV, movies, reading, walking, or spending time in Zoom video conferences seem to be correct? Scale is about one thing in relation to the other. Is one thing correct in relation to something else?

Do you see how this could relate to your drawings? How one object in the foreground might change our sense of scale compared to something at a distance in the background?

Share your self-reflections on the forum, and we will continue this conversation in a Zoom video conference.
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 04/13

Upload drawings, post your self-reflection & critique comments to the Week 04/07 forum.

Individual Critique:
We will have individual critique either by telephone or zoom video conferencing based on weekly phone schedule.

Apr 14

Perspective, Values, & Mindfulness:

Drawing Demo - One, Two and Three Point Linear Perspective

Using Value in Drawings

Surreal Landscapes using Linear Perspective

This week I want you to explore drawing simple cubes in one, two and three point linear perspective, and explore the use of value to create a sense of space using light and shadow. Then I want you to invent an imaginary surreal and dream-like landscape using linear perspective while you also explore the use of value to help you create the illusion of three dimensional space.

Use either charcoal or graphite, you will be working to develop your skills in linear perspective and the use of value to create a sense of light and shadows. Continue thinking about previous exercises using line, shape, scale, positive and negative space. Have fun, use your imagination, and create a surreal and dream-like landscape.

Complete the following 4 drawings
2 - Thirty (30) minute drawings of cubes in one, two and three point linear perspective. Explore the use of value.
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing creating a surreal and dream-like landscape using value and linear perspective.
1 - Self-portrait #4 exploring a dream-like representation of yourself incorporating linear perspective and the use of value.

Self-Reflection on Perspective and Values:
Post a response to the following questions: Think about how your perspective has changed over the last couple of months. How has self-isolation, mindfulness and drawing helped you to better understand your perspective on your life? Have you considered and re-considered your values? Do you think this pandemic will alter societies values? What were/are our societies values? What were/are your values?

Share your self-reflections on the forum, and we will continue this conversation in a Zoom video conference.
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 04/20

Upload drawings, post your self-reflection & critique comments to the Week 04/14 forum.

Individual Critique:
We will have individual critique either by telephone or zoom video conferencing based on weekly phone schedule.

Apr 21

Touch, Breathing and Walking:

View the following videos:
William Kentridge – ‘Art Must Defend the Uncertain’ | Artist Interview | TateShots, 06:09
Max Ernst - Drawings using Frottage (Rubbings), 04:34

This week I want you draw landscapes. This will be done literally in some of your drawings as you make rubbings and explore the kinds of textures you can create. I also want you to have a longer extended time drawing, with a landscape as your subject.

This week I want you to explore the technique of Frottage, used by the artist Max Ernst. Taking your paper outside, and using charcoal or graphite, I want you to make rubbings. Gather various textures. This can be used as an end in itself, or as a starting point of your drawings. I want you to also use india ink and a bamboo ink brush, exploring the kinds of marks the brush can make. You might try putting the ink on top of the rubbings, and using both mediums together. Continue thinking about previous exercises using line, shape, scale, value, positive and negative space.

Complete the following 4 drawings:
2 - Thirty (30) minute drawings using the technique of frottage, make rubbings and explore texture, variety and variation. Try adding india ink to the textures.
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing of a landscape, your choice of charcoal, graphite or india ink, and focus on the use of texture and variety.
1 - Self-portrait #5 exploring texture and variety.

Self-Reflection on Variety and Variation:
Post a response to the following questions: Think about how your perspective has changed over the last couple of months. How much variety and variation do you have in your life? Having a regular routine can help one stay focused and motivated. Having variety and variation can also help one's creative process. What do you think?

Share your self-reflections on the forum, and we will continue this conversation in a Zoom video conference.
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 04/27

Upload drawings, post your self-reflection & critique comments to the Week 04/20 forum.

Individual Critique:
We will have individual critique either by telephone or zoom video conferencing based on weekly phone schedule.

Apr 28

Color, Repetition and Mindfulness:

Introduction to Color

Introduction to Color Document
Introduction to Color (PDF)

This week I want you to continue drawing landscapes.

This week I want you to explore the use of color, specifically local color and expressive uses of color. I want you to also think about how nature is filled with repetition and anomaly. As you draw your landscapes I want you to also consider ways that you can use repetition to create form and structure in your drawings. How can you use anomaly to create areas of focus and interest? Continue thinking about previous exercises using line, shape, scale, value, texture, positive and negative space.

Complete the following 4 drawings:
1 - Thirty (30) minute drawing focusing on repetition and anomaly as well as local color.
1 - Thirty (30) minute drawing focusing on repetition and anomaly as well as expressive use of color.
1 - Sixty (60) minute drawing of a landscape, feel free to use color, india ink, graphite and charcoal.
1 - Self-portrait #6 exploring color.

Self-Reflection on Repetition and Anomaly:
Post a response to the following questions: How does a daily routine during a pandemic help you day to day? How does this repetition affect your life and your art? Do you intentionally introduce anomaly into your daily schedule? Surprise and randomness can create anomaly in your art and your life. Do you seek this out? If so, why?

Share your self-reflections on the forum, and we will continue this conversation in a Zoom video conference.
Forum posts are due by midnight CST, 05/04

Upload drawings, post your self-reflection & critique comments to the Week 04/28 forum.

Individual Critique:
We will have individual critique either by telephone or zoom video conferencing based on weekly phone schedule.

May 05, Tuesday - 8:00am-10:00am - University Scheduled Final

Individual Zoom Meetings:
08:30 HanX
09:30 DavidV
12:30 EmmaP


Drawing Exercises
Students will increase their skills of observation and eye-hand coordination through exercises in contour drawing, value drawing, perspective, rendering, and composition. We will use the principles of visual organization and the elements of art: line, value, shape/volume, texture and color, to develop mindfulness and an awareness of the creative process as it applies to the visual arts and everyday life.

Each week as a homework assignment, students will create a self-portrait. This ongoing investigation will continue to explore the idea of self, incorporating ideas, concepts and techniques from each weeks class.

Supply List

Container for drawing materials (such as a small fishing tackle box)
Newsprint drawing pad 18" x 24"
Pad of white drawing paper 18" x 24"
Drawing board at least 18" x 24"
Large bulldog clips (at least 2) for holding paper to drawing board
Kneaded eraser
Pink or gum eraser
Vine or willow charcoal
Compressed charcoal
Charcoal pencils - 6B, 2B, and HB
Graphite pencils - 6B, 2B, and HB
India ink
Bamboo ink brush
Masking tape
Hand pencil sharpener or small utility knife (such as an Olfa or X-Acto)
Set of oil pastels (at least 8 colors, including white)

Please bring these drawing supplies to every class.


Please register an account on the forum. Format your username to be your first name and last name initial. For example my username would be RobS.

Need help creating an account on the forum?
Howto register an account on the forums (PDF document)

The weekly forum is where students will upload weekly drawings. Students will provide written critique and discussion with their peers regarding the work, and the creative process that resulted. This will be specified in more detail on the syllabus above.

Phone/Zoom Schedule

02:00  Group Zoom Conference
02:30  HanX
03:00  EmmaP
03:30  DavidV


The work in this course requires motivation, exploration, risk-taking, and most importantly, an openness to new ideas. The grading policy of this class is meant to encourage you to explore new ideas and take chances. Do not think in terms of "What must I do to receive an A grade", but think in terms of what you would like to learn.

Attendance: Attendance to all classes is expected. You are allowed up to ONE unexcused absences. Unexcused absence beyond this threshold may result in failing this course.

Assignments: All assignments and projects are due at the beginning of class. Late projects will not be accepted.

Critique: Students will work closely with each other to develop their projects. This includes learning to speak clearly expressing oneself when discussing their own and others artwork.

Quizzes: There may be occasional unannounced quizzes regarding recent lectures and/or readings.


A 95-100,   A- 92-95
Outstanding work.
Solution shows excellent depth of understanding and innovation. The solution has been fully developed in form and concept.

B+ 88-91,   B 85-87,   B- 82-84
Good work.
Solution exceeds all requirements and shows above average depth of understanding. Demonstrates more than adequate clarity of idea and execution.

C+ 78-81,   C 75-77,   C- 72-74
Average work.
Problem has been solved adequately, but the solution lacks depth of understanding, development and innovation.

D+ 68-71,   D 65-67,   D- 62-64
Poor work.
Solution is extremely weak and lacks understanding and innovation. Technical skills are weak.

F 61 or less
Unacceptable work.
Solution to the problem is unresolved and incomplete resulting in a failing grade.

Each Project will be graded on artistic, creative and intellectual merit.

Grades will be based on the following:

  • 20% Originality of concept
  • 20% Delivery (execution of the concept)
  • 20% Documentation / Process
  • 20% Craft
  • 20% Critique & participation

Your final grade will be determined by the following:

  • 70% Participation / Exercises
  • 30% Self-Portraits

SIU Syllabus Attachment

SIU Syllabus Attachment - Spring '20 - PDF