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Exercise One

Part A: Make several drawings of the room using charcoal and paper.

Part B: Make several drawings of the room, but do so by making rubbings.

From Wikipedia: (A rubbing is a reproduction of the texture of a surface created by placing a piece of paper or similar material over the subject and then rubbing the paper with something to deposit marks, most commonly charcoal or pencil, but also various forms of blotted and rolled ink, chalk, wax, and many other substances as well.)

Part C: Using sidewalk chalk, the class will make a collaborative drawing on campus walkways. Find a dark shape on the pavement (such as gum, oil or dirt), and using the chalk draw a duplicate shape approximately 1/2" away. Repeat this as many times as you wish.

Part D: Homework: With a partner create a system, a process, or a machine (either analog or digital) that creates drawings independent of you. (What is a drawing? Can a drawing be a sound?, a movement?, an image?, etc...)

The results of this exercise will be due at the beginning of next class.