STUB CRUFT (rush limbaugh redux) LEAST WHEN PERMITTED Wednesday June 15 2016 part 1 of 3 amazing amazing system now everything now amazing system now everything LEAST amazing amazing amazing amazing Orlando LEAST everything part 2 of 3 they red red they red red apparent abiding apparent they red red apparent abiding WHEN they red they red they red they law WHEN red abiding part 3 of 3 poll stopping stopping poll stopping World said acquiring said poll stopping World said acquiring PERMITTED poll stopping poll stopping poll stopping poll everybody PERMITTED stopping acquiring
Selections from the Archive
STUB CRUFT (rush limbaugh redux) OBAMA ARTICLEBODY THE Sunday November 22 2015 part 1 of 3 butter allowed allowed butter allowed contest unhappy acting unhappy butter allowed contest unhappy acting OBAMA butter allowed butter allowed butter allowed butter threw OBAMA allowed acting part 2 of 3 headline headline out governed out headline out governed ARTICLEBODY headline headline headline headline persuade ARTICLEBODY governed part 3 of 3 who enabling enabling who enabling right listen governed listen who enabling right listen governed THE who enabling who enabling who enabling who clauses THE enabling governed
STUB CRUFT (rush limbaugh redux) THAT ITSELF GOING Monday November 15 2010 part 1 of 3 caller kidding kidding caller kidding not Well allowed Well caller kidding not Well allowed THAT caller kidding caller kidding caller kidding caller entirely THAT kidding allowed part 2 of 3 Johnny ruling ruling Johnny ruling average people dealing people Johnny ruling average people dealing ITSELF Johnny ruling Johnny ruling Johnny ruling Johnny because ITSELF ruling dealing part 3 of 3 elected calling calling elected calling showing sound going sound elected calling showing sound going GOING elected calling elected calling elected calling elected not GOING calling going
STUB CRUFT (rush limbaugh redux) DEALING BEEN DESPERATELY Saturday January 04 2014 part 1 of 3 would believed believed would believed apparatus for doing for would believed apparatus for doing DEALING would believed would believed would believed would people DEALING believed doing part 2 of 3 metaphoric nothing nothing metaphoric nothing sense been thinking been metaphoric nothing sense been thinking BEEN metaphoric nothing metaphoric nothing metaphoric nothing metaphoric top BEEN nothing thinking part 3 of 3 not wing wing not wing big And repealed And not wing big And repealed DESPERATELY not wing not wing not wing not next DESPERATELY wing repealed
Further Resources
Six October Days
Six October Days is a selection of six Stub Cruft created as the result of my own consuming and digesting of the words used in Rush Limbaugh's daily talk radio show. These poems are a collaboration between myself and Rush Limbaugh, but as my computer program manipulates his words, they are remixed and transformed, no longer as incendiary, but rather impotent in their desperate staccato repetition demanding to be heard.
Download the book, Six October Days in PDF format.