Further Resources
Live Art Workshop
As the moderator of an organized group of visual artists, poets, musicians, dancers, and actors, we would meet on a weekly basis to research and develop monthly performances. We then developed some Strategies of Live Art' that were then used to create collaborative performances we presented at the Event Series (evenings of performance art, music, dance, and film) at the Kraine Theatre in the East Village of New York City.
Oedipus Interpreted
During the summer 1994, Live Art Workshop developed a series of 'Strategies of Live Art', and a shared methodology to develop a version of Sophocles' Oedipus. Using a strict narrative as a starting point, we applied the techniques developed in previous performances. An interpretation of Oedipus was created and performed in October of 1994. We continued to use repetition, work-like activities, and simultaneous chance events as we had before, but now for the first time we began thinking in terms of shifting in and out of "character", as well as letting the audience see the shift. Brecht became a new influence for the Live Art Workshop. At various times, the artists would stand in a row, their white costumes effectively becoming a screen. A super 8mm film of previous scenes was then projected on to them. Red sunglasses were passed from person to person, signifying who is "Oedipus" at any given time.