Home / Actions / Live Media Event (i|o workshop)

A live media event using computer code and genetic algorithms, performance, and glitch.

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I|O Workshop
A loosely formed artist collective interested in technology, networks, inputs, outputs and experimentation, who's membership is made up of artists living and working in Carbondale, IL.

This live media event consisted of 'A Lecture on Xylimelum Pyriforme' performed by Adrienne Foster, a live technical performance of processed images and evolving digital collage using genetic algorithms by Justin Edgren and Robert Spahr, and live audio-visual glitch/mash-up and live performance by Derek Smith. Presented at Varsity Center for the Arts as part of the Big Muddy Film Festival's Intermedia Art, March 26, 2011.

The Production
Entering the theater at Varsity Center for the Arts, the visitor finds sees two laptop computers and projectors in the audience seating,at the back of the auditorium. Each computer is projecting an image on the the walls to the left and right of the audience. Up on the stage is a large screen, with a projected image coming from a third laptop computer and projector resting on a table at the very front of the audience seating area. There is also a small wireless router connected to this center computer forming self contained local area network among these three laptops. To the right of the center screen is a variety of electronic equipment, and video monitors. A large projected image of broken image icons are on the center main screen. There is also a larger projection on walls to the left and right of the audience. Next to each of the projections are laptops.